Re-Balance Your Body, Mind & Spirit

Hey there!

How’s everything going with you?

Just a reminder my e-course Re-Balance and Receive starts this Saturday 8th June. Registration closes 5pm that day!

Get on it! (No pressure!)


Have a look here for more information. There’s a couple of videos opened from each module to view, to see what it’s about.


Some of you have probably had a look last week, but I thought I’d include a quick explanation for you now in this email!

This e-course is about clearing stresses from your body mind and spirit. Stresses that come from different areas of your life.


Module 1 – Base Chakra. This energy centre is about safety, security, survival and having all your needs met. This module focus’s on our needs. If our needs were not met when we were younger, we will have difficulty meeting our needs when we are older.

Module 2 – Sacral Chakra. This energy centre is about the right to feel what ever we feel, boundaries, control, creativity and pleasure. In this module we will be mainly focusing on our right to feel. We were often told not to feel certain ways, this is incorrect! What ever you are feeling is exactly how you should be feeling. Our feelings are our guidance system.

Module 3 – Solar Plexus Chakra. This energy centre is about confidence, self esteem, feeling good enough, self empowerment, being an individual and joy. In this module we will be focusing on the RIGHT to be an individual.

Module 4 – Heart Chakra. This energy centre is about love, compassion and forgiveness. This module focuses on forgiveness and love.

Module 5 – Throat Chakra. This energy centre is about the right to speak and be heard, feeling safe speaking your truth and manifestation. This module focuses on the right to speak and be heard and manifesting what you want in your life.

Module 6 – Brow Chakra. This energy centre is about the right to see the truth, your intuition, imagination and perspective. This module mainly focuses on perception.

Module 7 – Crown Chakra. This energy centre is about the right to knowledge, spirituality, connection with spirit, connection with the universe and attachments. In this module we focus mainly on attachments and addictions.


So there you go! What do you think? Does anything here resonate with you?

Just give me a call or email me if you need to ask any questions. No trouble!


Thanks so much, hope you have a sensational rest of the week!


Denise x


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